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As part of our last project for this class, we were required to improve one of the games we had made during the semester. I chose to continue working 12% Chance. I don’t remember what (if any) changes I made in terms of programming (and therefore game mechanics). The main thing I added was a ferris wheel at the end of the level. This was meant to be a part of the narrative. However, because of both the short period of time we had to improve our game and the amount of time I spent getting the ferris wheel and its seats to work properly, the ferris wheel is the only real addition to the game. Oh! I also added a cool title screen for it!
CONTROLS: Arrow keys to move and spacebar to jump. When you find a puddle, press either down or up to enter/exit the “dark” world.
NOTE: (Unintentionally,) Because of the way I programmed the game, it runs differently on different computers. It is possible that it will run poorly on your computer, and this will prevent you from moving past the first area (the black and white part). One thing you can try is to jump a lot, especially when the character (the cube) is tilting forward. Jumping like this will cause you to jump forward. However, jumping is also one of the problems… Depending on how fast your computer is, jumping heights will differ (the fast your computer, the higher/faster the character jumps). It is also possible that you may be able to reach the end of the first area during some playthroughs but not others.