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Dream Catchr
Created Wednesday, October 29, 2008 | Added Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

The idea behind this project was that we were supposed to come up with a fictional scientifically-based event or invention and “find and collect” information on it to present to the class.  So really, we had to come up with the fictional event/invention then create fictional documentation about it.

I found information on this really neat device called the Dream Catchr.  In short, the Dream Catchr records dreams just like a VCR/DVR records TV shows.  After the dream has been recorded, it can be played back and watched (while the person is awake) on the device’s screen.  Very cool.  You can find the documentation I collected below.

Here is the original project assignment:

Original Project Assignment

Creating an archive/collection/scrapbook based upon a scientific fiction compiling and compositing scanned images

In this project you will create a digital documentation of a scrapbook, archive or collection that is based upon a fiction whose content is related to science. The fiction is created by you, but may be based on “real” or probable event or experiment. Potential ideas could include positing yourself in a past event or history and documenting your participation and that of others or it could also be an experiment that you design. You could transform an accepted history changing the events so as to precipitate an alternative outcome. As part of this process, you will create a narrative and a virtual framework where your narrative will be realized. Part of the idea here is that you are playing with the idea of how the literature and images of science are many times accepted as a truth. You will collect images and textures from a variety of sources other than the internet that support your fiction. As part of the development of this project, you will research the context of your fiction as part of your process using the library resources.


  • Intermediate scanning processes
  • Photoshop compositing
  • Image research
  • Digital color

The format of this project of this project is very open. You potentially may use a variety of formats to document your fiction. The fiction can be displayed as a website, a pdf document, or even a video of images (a la Ken Burns). The format must be digital and screen based. Think about the content you want to portray and pick the format that best suits your ideas. If any one has questions on what I am asking for, please do not hesitate to contact me.


  • You will generate the content/images for this project initially from scanned materials and images gathered from the “real” world versus the internet. The scanned materials should not just be restricted to paper images. They could be object and textures. You may use the different kinds of scanning equipment or use the scanner in a non-traditional fashion to accomplish your goals.
  • Think about or ask yourself the following as preparation or during this process:
  • What is the fiction/experiment I want to propagate?
  • Where am I or what is my perspective with respect to the events I want to portray in my fiction?
  • What is the best vehicle or framework in which to place my story?
  • What do I need to look up or research to make my fiction believable or plausible?
  • What kinds of visuals will I use to create a situation where the audience or participant can suspend his or her disbelief?
  • What can I do with technically with Photoshop to create and adjust my images to create a context for my images?
  • How can I use the technology to enhance the setting that I wish to create?
  • How will I organize my materials into a cohesive body of images that represent my fiction?

As part of this project, you will expand your expertise and knowledge of scanning. You will manipulate both the scanner settings as well as Photoshop to create the best practice with respect to digitizing images and objects. Scanning becomes something more than just placing a piece of paper on a scanner and hitting the auto button. Also too think about ways of using your scanner that are atypical. We will talk more about this in class.
Compositing Images
In this project you will get a lot of practice in compositing images. As a class we will focus on how the edges of images interact with the edges of backgrounds as well as other images. Also, you integrate what you learned about filters in the previous project to create textures that contextualize and breathe life into your document.

After you have collected all of your images, LOOK at them. Play around with their sequence and layout. Look each set of images separately. Look at them mixed up together. You may want to print them out and lay them out on the floor before you organize them digitally. You may want to collage and composite them physically with scissors and tape before you start working digitally. You may even want to print more than one copy of an image as part of this process. Sometimes first touching and physically manipulating images even if you intend to present them on screen can be very helpful in organizing your thoughts. In addition to blogging, you may want to make a process book or box/container of the physical materials that you are collecting.

Look up the terms, archive, history, fiction, and scrapbook? You may want to research the origins of archives, collections and scrapbooks as point of departure for your project. Think about the different ways people display and collection of materials to portray or convince you of a history or the way an event happened.

What can you do to make the viewer believe your version of history of your fiction?

After you have figured out the layout and order of the images, put them into whatever software you will use to make your sequence. Be sure that the visual framework that you are creating best contextualizes your content. Like everything you have done this far, play with this idea.

Lastly and this is part of why we are in school, show and discuss you ideas with one another. This is what we do during critique.