Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 79
Recorded Friday, April 27, 2012 | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:18 AM
Listeners… WE’RE BACK! That’s right, folks, the ZWT Podcast crew is back and ready for 2012. Since we’ve been MIA for so long, we catch you all up on our very exciting lives.
Featuring Adam, Alex, Nick, Angel, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 78
Recorded Saturday, December 17, 2011 | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:18 AM
It’s been a few weeks, hasn’t it? Not to worry! We make up for it by giving you lucky listeners nearly three straight hours of nothing but manly fangasms over Skyward Sword. What’s more is that there is virtually no derailing—we stay on topic for the entire episode. We actually impressed ourselves with this one.
Needless to say, we kept our swords raised skyward.
Featuring Adam, Alex, and Nick.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 77
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:17 AM
Another no-topic week. This time though, we actually stumble into talking about some stuff like the our expectations for this upcoming console generation and such. Also if Mystique is really a girl…
Remember that we’re having a contest. Listen to the end of Episode 76 for details, and the winner will be announced during Episode 78!
Featuring Adam, Alex, Nick, Angel, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 76
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:17 AM
Well, listeners… this week we forgot to pick a topic, so we just kind of rambled for an hour or so. No different than any other week, really.
Also, be sure to listen to the end because we’re having a CONTEST with a REAL PRIZE!
Featuring Adam, Nick, Angel, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 75
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:16 AM
Since we only have (now less than) one month to go until Skyward Sword, we decide to talk about what we’re most looking forward to in the game. Also, as Nick so eloquently put it, we’re a Zeldapodcast, and we can talk about Zelda whenever we want! So there!
Very minor spoiler warning. If you’ve been keeping up with the trailers and previews, fear not, but if you’ve been deliberately avoiding information on the game, beware. You’ve been warned!
Featuring Adam, Nick, Angel, Clay, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 74
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:16 AM
This week we talk about the universes, lore, and back stories of video games. We come to the conclusion that all future soccer (football for you non-Americans) games should have a deep history on all of the players. Who are these players? What drivesthem to play the game? Also required will be at least six supplementary novels detailing the players’ lives and why they chose soccer over becoming space marines.
Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, Josh, Clay, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 73
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:15 AM
And we’re back! Episode 73 is all about the worlds of video games. Is there a point where they can get too big? Too small? Do you prefer open worlds or linear games that take you from level to level?
Featuring Adam, Angel, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 72
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:14 AM
Holy crap, listeners, there was a LOT of news from TGS. Let’s talk about it!
Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, Josh, Kyle, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 71
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:14 AM
Episode 71 is all about playing games in their original format versus playing remakes/ports/ROMs. At least, that’s what we were going to talk about. We had to make up for last episode being so serious sometime. That sometime is now. Episode 71 turns into a giant welcome back episode for our long-lost friend and co-host, Laura — a welcome back that could only be provided by the cast of ZWT Podcast. If you can’t guess by that what the majority of this episode consists of, you, sir and/or madam, need to become a more avid fan!
Featuring Adam, Alex, Nick, Angel, Josh, Kyle, Laura, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 70
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:13 AM
Okay, listeners, enough dilly-dallying. This week is serious business — we talk about game stories. What do we like or dislike in our stories? What’s wrong with today’s game’s stories? How important are the influences of other media (film, novels, etc.) in game stories? How much should interaction matter in game stories?
Yeah. Serious stuff.
Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, Josh, Kyle, and Matt.

Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 69
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:13 AM
Prepare yourselves, listeners. This is the sexiest episode ever. Consider yourselves warned! Oh, and Matt and Nick recount their adventures at PAX 2011… sexily…
Featuring Adam, Alex, Nick, Angel, and Matt.