Zelda WT Podcast at PAX 2011: (Felicia) Day 3
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:12 AM
On the final day of PAX 2011, Matt and Nick set out to find Felicia Day. Will Matt be able to track her down and propose to her? Is PAX the place for gamers to find true love? You’ll have to watch to find out.
special thanks to Matt Stevens
music by firedrill
Zelda WT Podcast at PAX 2011: Day 2
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:11 AM
Matt and Nick from Zelda Working Title Podcast visit PAX to give you the inside scoop on the hottest games and gamers around.
music by firedrill
Zelda WT Podcast at PAX 2011: Day 1
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:09 AM
Matt and Nick from Zelda Working Title Podcast visit PAX to give you the inside scoop on the hottest games and gamers around.
special thanks to Matt Stevens
music by firedrill
Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 68
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:05 AM
Hey, did you hear? Germany’s Gamescom is like the biggest thing ever. Over 275,000 people attended this year. They, as well as the rest of us, got quite a bit of gaming news from the event. So much so that that’s all that we talk about this episode! (Also, Skyward Sword is releasing November 20th!)
Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, Kyle, and Matt.
Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 67
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:05 AM
THIS week we talk about the potentially game changing (pun intended) method for displaying 3D graphics from Euclideon. Are all of these cloudy points really the way of the future?
Featuring Adam, Alex, Nick, Angel, Marnee, and Matt.
Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 66
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:04 AM
So we were gonna talk about the baller Euclideon demo, but we were down a few members. Instead the Three Amigos return to talk about a topic they thought up not ten minutes before recording — gaming-related products (eg. food, action figures, pre-order bonuses, etc.).
Featuring Adam, Angel, and Matt.
Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 65
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:04 AM
‘Twas a slow week, listeners. Really the only two significant pieces of news are the 3DS price drop (which we talk about) and the Euclideon island demo (which we’ll talk about next week). So why exactly did Nintendo drop the price of the 3DS? Don’t know? Well neither do we. But hey, at least the few of us who got ours early will get 20 FREE GAMES!!!
Featuring Adam, Angel, and Matt.
Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 64
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:03 AM
IT’S EPISODE NINTENDO SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUR! Guess what we talk about? Yup, you guessed it — Captain America.
Featuring Adam, Nick, Alex, and Matt.
Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 63
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:03 AM
This week we didn’t have anything to talk about. Thankfully, due to our pro derailing skills, we ended up talking about Harry Potter vs. Spiderman. Also, Robin Williams is in the new Batman. Tell your friends.
Featuring Adam, Nick, Angel, Kyle, and Matt.
Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 62
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:03 AM
Remember the good old days? The days when you had to jump over alligator heads, eat mysterious white dots, and play with “paddles”? Aw, who are we kidding? Those days sucked! Thankfully, years of technological breakthroughs have brought us regenerating shields, R.O.B., and shoulder buttons! Episode 62 is all about innovative game mechanics throughout the years.
As an added bonus you get to hear Alex and Angel in the same room together for the first time (but surely not the last <3)!
Featuring Adam, Alex, Nick, and Angel.
Zelda Working Title Podcast - Episode 61
Recorded | Added Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 @ 2:02 AM
Episode 61 is all about video game baddies. Listen to us ramble on about our most and least favorite video game bosses.
Featuring Adam, Alex, Angel, and Matt.