PIE 1 Art- Concept Art
Use one of your top three winning character redesigns from the previous assignment and create eight variations on that design. You may use your the winning redesign from the previous assignment as one of the eight for this assignment. Do not worry about color yet, but do use both varying value ranges and shading in your redesigns.
Votes of 17 students from previous assignment (design – number of votes):
Design 01 – 2
Design 02 – 1
Design 03 – 5
Design 04 – 2
Design 05 – 3
Design 06 – 0
Design 07 – 0
Design 08 – 4 (I voted for this one)
Since design 03 was the winning redesign from the previous assignment, I used that as a base. Personally, I really liked 08 and 05, so I worked aspects of those into some of these redesigns. I was trying to go for a slightly older looking Fi with a different outfit than the original. Obviously I wanted her to be recognizable as Fi, so I kept some of the original outfit’s pieces like the jewel, her long, ribbon-like sleeves, and the criss-cross pattern on her legs, some of which I moved around. I also tried to introduce other aspects of the Master Sword and its sheath into her outfit.
I drew the redesigns in Photoshop and arranged them on a page. We printed our redesigns out (the last image below) and hung them up. Then we picked our one favorite redesign from each person’s work. The votes were tallied up, and whichever redesign got the most votes was the one we were to work on in the next assignment (in the case of a tie, the artist chose which one he/she wanted to work on). Which one do you like the best? ๐