Posts Tagged ‘icon’

Grapple – UI (Pre Vertical Slice)

Posted on: January 28th, 2013 by Adam No Comments
Overall Description:
  • Created UI/GUI elements for Grapple, pre Vertical Slice
  • The only piece I created from scratch was the grapple target reticle (which itself was based off of several concept icons by Nathan Strickland)
    • All other pieces were created from art by others on the team (see Credits below)
  • Images used as icons for various Grapple-related things such as scripts, .exe’s, shortcuts, etc.
Related Work:
  • The UI (target reticle) that appears over grapple-able areas in-game
Related Work:
  • None

Loading Screen:

  • Collected concept art and put them together in a movie to be used as a loading screen
  • Different formats and dimensions were tried in order to get the movie to display correctly in-game
Related Work:
  • None


  • The screen that displays after the demo’s final sequence
Related Work:
  • None
Splash Screen:
  • Splash screen created from concept art
  • Displays whenever the game launches
Related Work:
  • None

Title Screen:

  • Title screen that displays when the game launches
Related Work:
  • None


  • Loading Screen:
    • James Diab – environment concept, medium enemy model and render
    • Karen McCarthy – Amina backpack concept
    • Ryoma Tazi – Amina, Destrozar, medium enemy, and environment concepts
  • Amina, Destrozar, and environment concepts by Ryoma Tazi